It was like I was driving tired and dozed off. On Facebook today I was told my tweets from Woodford were not helpful. I can't even remember what I wrote, but I was only voicing my personal opinions. I suppose if I want to be part of the public skeptical community I should be very careful about how I express my thoughts, but we all know I am not particularly good at this, so I think it might be best if I just keep quiet.
Really what is the point of being publicly skeptical? Is there any need for my personal opinions to be published when there are so many professional quality posts dealing with the issues I'm discussing? I think for now at least I will just step away from the skeptical movement and watch form the sidelines. I have work and professional development to worry about, a family to raise, and no patience for carefully researching and reviewing issues before I blurt out an opinion.
Apparently the someone on the AVN side used my tweets as evidence that skeptics were won over. I think I may have said something about giving the AVN a voice simply gave them an undeserved level of respectability. They were clearly delusional and illogical and placing them on a stage next to experts elevated their rants to the level of "opposing expert". I felt the professionals on the stage were far too polite and tolerant and many of the outrageous statements were accepted at face value and attempts to question those statements were shut down on the basis that the questions might be seen as "confrontational".
I didn't enjoy the session, I couldn't see any chance of persuading the true believers and being new to twitter I didn't have an appreciation for how widespread my opinion could be shared and misunderstood.
Maybe I'll wait until I can afford to go to TAM before I re-engage, but I think given the number of hours I have to spend working on work I won't be ready for that re-engagement for quite a while.
See you all when things quiet down.