A letter to the editor of the Sunday Mail in response to reports of P33's insulting testimony:
I agree with David Murray (SM Dec-19) that P33 should face a severe penalty for lying in such revolting detail about his knowledge if the Morcombe case, but this attitude should extend to the cynical voltures calling themselves psychics who pester police and hound the families fo victims of crime. Recently a Gold Coast psychic had the gall to twitter that she knew the whereabouts of Danial Morcombe's remains. I do not know if she wasted police resources by reporting her "insights", but I do know she didn't organise a search to find the remains tweet about her success. Instead she, and all other psychics - whether deluded or fraudulent - brazenly publicise their guesses, often contacting distraught parents repeatedly to offer false hope. Even when they do not extort money for thier services they use the fact that they make a report to claim they "assisted police" in high profile investigations. These people deliver vague descriptions of their "visions" about bush or water, modify their stories to explain away failures, and never publicise their list of misses. They claim to give closure to distraught families when in fact they contaminate the memories of lost victims for self-agrandisement and, in many cases, profit. The only difference between psychics and P33 is the level of detail and the fact that psychics ask for money or publicity for their gruesome claims, raping memories for money and noteriety.
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